Trevor Engelson was with Meghan for a number of years before she met Prince Harry and has been tipped to come out and speak his truth with an all-tell memoir on the former Suits actress.


 Meghan Markle’s former husband Trevor Engelson is rumoured to be in talks of writing a memoir discussing the couple’s marriage before she met Prince Harry and if given the go-ahead, could include some bombshell details of their divorce.

The Duchess of Sussex was with Tevor, 46, for more than half a decade however the pair split two years after they got married back in 2011 despite having been together for around six years before they tied the knot.

The former Suits actress has been married to Prince Harry since 2018 and Trevor also moved on to find love with nutritionist Tracey Kurland whom he also has been married to since 2019, according to reports in the Mirror.

The speculations of film producer Trevor penning the all-tell memoir come following rumours from Women’s Day magazine who have quoted sources who say “it is time” for the 46-year-old to speak out on his relationship with the Duchess.

Commentator Neil Sean has said that agents have offered Trevor “big” deals and money to take pen to paper and hints the producer could be considering his options despite having moved on there’s “no escape” from his story with Meghan.


Trevor admits he was a ‘stepping stone’ for the Duchess according to reports. (Image: Getty Images)
The magazine publication also hinted what could be revealed in the memoir, including how Meghan reportedly “blindsided” him with divorce by returning both her wedding and engagement rings through the post.

It could also shed some light on the pairs “irreconcilable differences” in 2013 which led to their divorce that year, with it being understood the pair split after Meghan relocated to Canada for filming Suits.

A source said that she was a “completely different person” when she moved to Toronto for the show, suggesting that the split was “sudden and so ruthlessly done,” speculating that Trevor may have felt “used”.

Details of their wedding could also be divulged, with reports previously claiming guests were given marijuana as a welcome gift at the event, which was held in Jamaica in 2011, and was illegal in the country at the time. A source said: “The last thing Meghan wants is to be associated with any kind of illegal substance.”

It was further suggested that a book could discuss Trevor potentially feeling like a “stepping stone” with a source saying it could “throw fuel on [the] pyre” following Meghan’s comment that she didn’t know much about Harry which was a “silly thing” to claim.

Woman’s Day also said the book could discuss her family history, including her having reportedly lived with her father Thomas Markle, rather than her mother Doria Ragland for a period growing up. A source said: “Everyone knows there’s more to her family story and Trevor’s got the goods.”