The first season of The Rings of Power was released to much fanfare, but also received heavy criticism from audiences. Morfydd Clark recounted her experience facing backlash against her depiction of the iconic Middle Earth character.
Morfydd said she was overwhelmed by criticism over her portrayal of Galadriel during Season 1 of The Rings of Power. “I was just totally unprepared when Season 1 came out,” she told Elle, referring to reactions from both Tolkien fans and casual audiences on social media. There’s a silver lining to the backlash, however. “I’ve seen a really dark side of what it means to be someone who [anyone] can write a message to on Instagram, and a really lovely side,” she asserted. Clark proved she can take on epic roles with notable performances in Saint Maud, Starve Acre, and her first film Madame Bovary; she said she’s taking recent criticism in stride, and the positive reception keeps her going.
Clark acknowledged her portrayal of Galadriel in The Rings of Power was polarizing, and that most of the backlash came from men. She said that “lots of the criticism I got from some [fans] were for the things making other people feel liberated while watching [Galadriel].” The actor said she deliberately chose to depict the steadfast character in the prequel series, inadvertently dividing the fan base. “What certain people didn’t necessarily enjoy about her, other people did,” she added. “She takes up space; she’s unapologetic. I didn’t want her to act like a human woman who’s been taught not to be abrasive.” Showrunner J.D. Payne confirmed this is in line with Tolkien’s description of a younger Galadriel, and their goal with the show is to flesh out her transition into the Third Age.
What certain people didn’t necessarily enjoy about her, other people did.
“Tolkien gives us hints that [Galadriel] was prideful, that she was a warrior at various times in her history,” he asserted. “We said, ‘How can we take her from being an impetuous, prideful young warrior to the wise Lady of the Wood?'” Clark said Galadriel stood out from her previous roles, which were mostly ephemeral characters. “Every other character I’ve played, because they’re human women, there’s shame built in. [In season 1], Galadriel doesn’t have that. I’m glad I committed to that.”
Galadriel’s “Unlikeability” Is Part of the Narrative
Producer Weber revealed how Galadriel’s “unlikeability” was woven into the show’s narrative. In Season 1, Galadriel’s decision to help Halbrand eventually contributed to Sauron’s rise to power. She acknowledged this in the Season 2 trailers, revealing growth in character. “It’s fun to think about what Galadriel’s ‘unlikeable’ decisions led to—would Sauron have found his way to power so quickly if she didn’t help him?” Weber asserted. “Or will it turn out, in the end, that she might be able to defeat him one day because she helped him and got to know him in the process? These are the kinds of delightful dramatic questions that come from having an imperfect character.”
Season 2 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power premieres on Aug. 29 on Prime Video.