Ranked 14 gay romance, finished counting in XO, Kitty

This collage shows Yuri, Kitty, and Dae at Min Ho's party in XO, Kitty against a black and purple background

As a rom-com series, the plot of Netflix’s XO, Kitty includes multiple interesting romances, but not every relationship is as good as the rest. Set two years after the conclusion of the To All The Boys movies, the series XO, Kitty follows the experiences of Kitty Song Covey as she studies at the Korean Independent School of Seoul (KISS), the school where her mother previously went and Kitty’s first boyfriend presently goes.

XO, Kitty heavily features Kitty learning about her mother, but the series also revolves around romance. The titular main character sets off on this journey in a relationship with Dae, but she finds herself involved in multiple potential romances. The self-proclaimed matchmaker also has a hand in helping others find love. Plus, the series starts out with multiple other established relationships. Ultimately, with so many romances featured in XO, Kitty, not every pairing has the same strength and potential.

XO, Kitty Season 2 Official Trailer Netflix

14Jina And Mr. Han

The Hans Have An Unhappy, Unhealthy Marriage

Jina and Mr. Han stand together at the talent show in XO, Kitty Principal Han and Mr. Han in XO, Kitty jina xo kittyJina and Mr. Han stand together at the talent show in XO, Kitty Principal Han and Mr. Han in XO, Kitty jina xo kitty

All things considered, these two are the worst romantic couple in XO, Kitty.

Mr. Han is constantly mean to his family, not seeming to care about the way he treats his wife, Jina. He decides to leave his wife alone on Chusoek, an important Korean holiday meant to be spent with family. When Jina shares that she has a son, he yells at her to pay her son off and make him go away instead of even wondering how Jina feels about finding out her son is in town.

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Later, he even calls her son a problem. She finally has the strength to confront him about how unhappy she is, and he calls her spoiled. By the second season of the show, Yuri and her father are not really speaking, but she does mention that her parents are divorcing. That seems to be the best thing for them. All things considered, these two are the worst romantic couple in XO, Kitty.

13Min Ho And Stella

Their Relationship Is Built On Lies

Min Ho stands next to Stella in XO, Kitty season 2

At first, Min Ho and Stella seem like a fun match. Min Ho is not all that interested after Kitty sets them up, but he finds himself intrigued when she is the first person he meets who stands up to his father. She also appears to be thoughtful, packing sandwiches when he accompanies Kitty to meet her relatives. All of that, however, is calculated by Stella, who is really a teenager named Esther out to get revenge against Min Ho’s father.

Stella is more nefarious than any other character on the show has ever attempted to be. While it is understandable that she is angry that the world treated her as a punchline when she attempted to compete in a reality show, her way of getting justice is over the top and could hurt more people than it helps. She also has an entire relationship with Min Ho built on lies.

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12Jina And Daniel

The Relationship Between These Former Lovers Is Underdeveloped

Jina and Mr. Lee stand at the front of a classroom in XO, Kitty. jina lim in xo kitty prof lee in xo kittyJina and Mr. Lee stand at the front of a classroom in XO, Kitty. jina lim in xo kitty prof lee in xo kitty

Jina and Daniel, aka Mr. Lee, get almost no time together, and their former romance isn’t even revealed until halfway through XO, Kitty. The only thing she tells Kitty about their relationship is that he was her first love and has good taste in music. The two don’t even get a meaningful scene together in the series. The last the audience sees of them together is Jina taking her son, Daniel, and Yuri to talk together.

It is clear that the group talks off screen and that they likely have an amiable relationship. Yuri and Alex bond, chatting, giving one another advice, and shopping together in season two. Alex even lives with his father during the break between semesters, getting to know him better. Daniel and Jina, however, do not get more time together. The audience does not get to see what drew them to one another other than their mutual love for early ’90s hits.

11Juliana And Praveena

This Couple Deserves To Be Explored More

Praveena sits in a chair with headphones on in XO, Kitty season 2, episode 1 Praveena smiles at Kitty in XO, Kitty season 2, episode 4 Kitty stands next to Juliana who has her arm around Yuri in XO, Kitty season 2Praveena sits in a chair with headphones on in XO, Kitty season 2, episode 1 Praveena smiles at Kitty in XO, Kitty season 2, episode 4 Kitty stands next to Juliana who has her arm around Yuri in XO, Kitty season 2

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Juliana and Praveena do not get to interact much in the second season of XO, Kitty. Most of Juliana’s screentime is embroiled in drama with Yuri, but she does admit that she finds Praveena very cool when she finds out Kitty is going on a date with her early in the season. By the end of the season, Juliana and Praveena, however, have “connected” at a recent dance.

It’s early in their relationship, and they could very well end up as just friends in a possible season three of the show. The trouble is the audience does not know how they connected, though it presumably had to deal with their mutual issues caused by Yuri and Kitty’s kiss, and does not get to see them interact beyond Juliana’s explanation to Yuri.

They could have a very interesting dynamic if they get to be explored more as characters and as a relationship in season three.

10Kitty And Praveena

Kitty And Praveena Are Better As Friends

Kitty smiles at Praveena as she hold a bowl of food in XO, Kitty season 2, episode 3

If Kitty and Praveena had simply been friends from the start, they would have been much better off.

Kitty decides to explore her bisexuality in season 2. She knows she cannot explore her feelings for Yuri with Yuri dating Juliana, but she is intrigued by Praveena as soon as she meets her. Praveena is equally intrigued by Kitty, and though she suspects that Kitty is not over Yuri, she still goes on a handful of dates with her.

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Kitty and Praveena clearly have fun together as Praveena has a sense of adventure that meshes well with Kitty’s need to meddle. The trouble is that Kitty is not entirely truthful about how “done” she is with her feelings for Yuri. Praveena is not looking for complications. The two are good for one another, but they are not in the same place. When Praveena learns how much Kitty truly cares for Yuri, and that Yuri kissed her, she is incredibly hurt and avoids Kitty and her friends completely.

If Kitty and Praveena had simply been friends from the start, they would have been much better off.

9Juliana And Yuri

These Star-Crossed Lovers Get Very Little Time In XO, Kitty

Yuri picks up Juliana from the airport in XO, Kitty. Yuri and Juliana kissing in XO kitty Yuri stands with Juliana in XO, Kitty season 2, episode 1Yuri picks up Juliana from the airport in XO, Kitty. Yuri and Juliana kissing in XO kitty Yuri stands with Juliana in XO, Kitty season 2, episode 1

During XO, Kitty, it’s established that Yuri and her best friend Juliana are in love and hiding their relationship because of their parents. They get split up after the housekeeper catches them together. That, however, is all established without Juliana being in the show for more than a handful of scenes. There was potential for these two to have a cute romance.

XO, Kitty has an 81% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

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Unfortunately, they only get three scenes together in the first season, and one is over the phone. There’s nothing wrong with them as a couple, but the show doesn’t offer enough to like them as a couple, either. That is changed in the second season as Juliana gets the chance to return to school following Yuri coming clean about everything to her mom in the season 1 finale.

Juliana and Yuri’s relationship is plagued by insecurity on the part of Juliana and dishonesty on the part of Yuri. Juliana is sure that Kitty is coming between them. Yuri denies that despite it being obvious. When Yuri and Kitty kiss, the two break up, but Yuri cannot give Juliana the space to process finding out about the kiss. Yuri clings to her relationship with Juliana as the only thing that matters in her life, even completely ghosting Kitty and never talking about the kiss after.

8Madison And Min Ho

This Fling Is Surprisingly Healthy For Teenagers

Madison and Min Ho sit at a table in detention in XO, Kitty. maddison with a drink looking to min ho in xo kitty maddison and min ho kissing in xo kittyMadison and Min Ho sit at a table in detention in XO, Kitty. maddison with a drink looking to min ho in xo kitty maddison and min ho kissing in xo kitty

During the middle of XO, Kitty season 1, Madison and Min Ho have a fling. Rather than having different expectations, they both agree they won’t be serious from the start. They have good chemistry and spend a lot of time making out. They are fun together, and join in on some of the schemes to help Kitty and Yuri. When Min Ho decides he wants something more, they have a mature breakup. Madison is ready to admit she enjoys the chase but is not ready for a relationship.

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Anna Cathart & Anthony Keyvan in XO Kitty season 2 interview


XO, Kitty Season 2: Stars Anna Cathcart & Anthony Keyvan Can’t Wait To Share New Fan Edits With Each Other

XO, Kitty stars Anna Cathcart & Anthony Keyvan confess that they enjoy sharing fan edits with each other and reveal how they’re like their characters.

They prove that not every relationship needs to be serious to be valuable. The only reason they place lower among the couples is that they never seemed to have much in common. Their connection was very face value, rather than having shared interests.

7Kitty And Dae

Kitty And Dae Are Each Other’s First Loves

Dae puts his arms around Kitty while she writes on a love lock in XO, Kitty. Kitty and Dae put their foreheads together while she has her arms around his neck in XO, Kitty. Dae leans in to kiss Kitty while she looks surprised in XO, Kitty.Dae puts his arms around Kitty while she writes on a love lock in XO, Kitty. Kitty and Dae put their foreheads together while she has her arms around his neck in XO, Kitty. Dae leans in to kiss Kitty while she looks surprised in XO, Kitty.

In XO, Kitty, the titular character goes to KISS to surprise Dae but learns that he’s in a relationship – albeit a fake one. Throughout the rest of the series, they go back and forth between having romantic moments and fighting. They have many sweet moments, including him kissing her after detention and setting up a date on their camping trip. Unfortunately, they cannot communicate, always assuming the wrong thing about one another.

Kitty and Dae first meet when the Song Coveys are visiting Seoul at the start of To All The Boys: Always and Forever.

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This makes it frustrating to emotionally invest in their relationship. So many of their issues could be solved if they just talked to each other. Ultimately, it’s good that they broke up during the ending of XO, Kitty season 1. They’ll undoubtedly still have a connection and appreciation for one another because they were each other’s first loves. Still, they need time apart to grow and learn more about themselves. If they’re truly meant to be together in the future, they’ll find their way back to each other.

Season 2 is a great example of that as they are clearly still there for one another as Dae explores a new relationship and Kitty spends some time alone, though she does have feelings for other people.

6Q And Florian

Q and Florian Are The Most Consistent Relationship in XO, Kitty

florian and q studying together in XO Kitty florian and q - xo kitty Florian and Q talk while sitting on the library floor in XO, Kitty.florian and q studying together in XO Kitty florian and q - xo kitty Florian and Q talk while sitting on the library floor in XO, Kitty.

Early in XO, Kitty, the perky teenager uses her matchmaking skills to get Q together with his crush Florian. The two develop a strong relationship with relatively little drama between them for most of the first season. They support one another constantly. While their communication could be better, they offer each other patience and understanding when things aren’t perfect. They’re the perfect example of a relationship that doesn’t need chaos to be romantic.
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Unfortunately, their relationship is thrown into question at the end of XO, Kitty when Florian reveals to Q that he’s cheating on tests so he can stay at KISS. This moment shows a fundamental difference in core values that is concerning for the couple. Florian does not believe he is hurting anyone by purchasing old tests, but as Q points out, he costs Dae his spot in the academic rankings and costs Dae part of his scholarship as a result. Q cannot get past Florian’s desire to do the wrong thing in order to stay at school with him.

A photo of Peter (Noah Centineo) hugging Kitty on campus with a photo of Q (Anthony Kevyan) with a cheeky expression imposed over it


“I Was Freaking Out”: XO, Kitty Cast Reacts To Noah Centineo’s Season 2 Cameo In To All The Boys Spinoff

EXCLUSIVE: Anna Cathcart and Anthony Keyvan discuss their excitement for reuniting with the To All the Boys star Noah Centineo in XO, Kitty season 2.

5Dae And Eunice

Their Shared Interests Help Them

Eunice sits next to Dae in XO, Kitty season 2, episode 5

Dae and Eunice, who he jokingly called Yuri’s “follower” in the first season of the show, are paired up to work on a duet together as part of their advanced voice class. Initially, Eunice is too focused and exacting in her choreography for Dae, but they both share a love of singing that helps to bring them together. They also learn a lot about one another in the process.

Dae discovers that he underestimated Eunice in the past. She is not a spoiled rich girl who doesn’t care about her studies. Eunice is actually from the same neighborhood as Dae, shares his ambition to do well for herself, and is a good student. They find they have so much in common and are drawn to one another.

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Yes, the talent competition might pit them against one another at the end of the season, but they are very good for one another before the competition exposes those tiny cracks in their relationship.

4Q And Jin

The Track Stars Are Surprisingly Good Together

Jin and Q dancing in a club in XO Kitty season 2

Jin picking on Q does not make for a great start to their interactions together. When their pranking back and forth because they are track rivals gets out of hand, Jin admits he thought they were flirting, not fighting. That is when they take a turn.

Q and Jin try to keep their relationship a secret at first since Min Ho and Dae were previously the victims of Jin’s bullying tactics as children. When they make amends, however, Jin is clearly changed from who he was, and when he realizes his attempts at flirting with Q have been misguided, he does not use the same tactics anymore.

Even when Q ends up taking Jin’s place in a big race because Jin is injured, Jin apologizes for initially reacting poorly, and eventually admits that he does not even want to be a track star anymore. The two have open communication with one another, support one another, share each other’s interests, and have friends in common. Once again, Q has one of the best relationships in the show.

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3Yuri And Kitty

Yuri Is Kitty’s Best Potential Romance In XO, Kitty

Kitty and Yuri smile at each other while sitting at the bar at Min Ho's party in XO, Kitty Kitty and Yuri lay in bed looking at each other XO, Kitty Kitty leans in to kiss Yuri in XO, KittyKitty and Yuri smile at each other while sitting at the bar at Min Ho's party in XO, Kitty Kitty and Yuri lay in bed looking at each other XO, Kitty
Kitty leans in to kiss Yuri in XO, Kitty

The best potential romance in XO, Kitty season 1 is that of Yuri and Kitty. The foundation of their romance is built early in the season. Even when these two are enemies, they stick up for each other at Min Ho’s party. They soon develop a heartwarming friendship that allows them to open up to one another. Yuri trusts Kitty enough to tell her about her dysfunctional family and her sexuality, an extremely daunting decision for someone in Yuri’s position.

Kitty also tells Yuri that their moms knew each other. They start putting each other’s desires ahead of their own, with Yuri helping Kitty and Dae get back together and Kitty helping Yuri get in contact with Julianna. Sparks start to fly as they develop a deeper connection.

Even when she’s with Dae, Kitty can’t stop thinking about Yuri.

Even when she’s with Dae, Kitty can’t stop thinking about Yuri. Yuri turns to Kitty when she leaves home. The pair finally have a romantic moment when they’re dancing but get interrupted when Kitty leans in to kiss Yuri. Unfortunately, they don’t get another moment to shine in season 1 and are not explored too much further in XO, Kitty season 2. Kitty is very much still interested in Yuri, but they are friends first, and Yuri is with Juliana during much of the season.

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When Kitty and Yuri do kiss, Yuri is focused on how much she has ruined her relationship and completely cuts Kitty out of her life in an effort to get Juliana back. While it’s commendable that Yuri wants to make things right with Juliana, completely turning her back on her friend is not exactly the way to go. While Kitty and Yuri initially seem like the best-matched pair, it’s clear that Yuri needs to figure out why she kissed Kitty in the first place and Kitty has to figure out just who her feelings are stronger for – Yuri or Min Ho.

2Kitty And Min Ho

Kitty and Min Ho look at each other while cooking in XO, Kitty. Kitty and Min Ho talk outside a restaurant in XO, Kitty season 2 kitty and min ho smiling at each other in a bus - XO KittyKitty and Min Ho look at each other while cooking in XO, Kitty. Kitty and Min Ho talk outside a restaurant in XO, Kitty season 2 kitty and min ho smiling at each other in a bus - XO Kitty

Of all Kitty’s possible romances from XO, Kitty season 1, the least healthy is her relationship with Min-ho. Kitty and Min Ho start out as adversaries and stay that way throughout most of the series. He verbally harasses her, calls her names, and treats her terribly. He furthers the idea that she’s a stalker, making her an outcast at school.

They finally start to bond on Chuseok when they cook together. Then, at the end of XO, Kitty season 1, he admits that he loves her. While this is a fan-favorite ship, the romance between Kitty and Min Ho perpetuates dangerous ideas about romance. Min Ho is the proverbial boy pulling on the girl’s pigtails, an action that’s societally accepted as a sign he likes her.
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The way Min Ho treats her isn’t romantic. He doesn’t get a pass for treating Kitty horribly just because he is nice to her a couple of times.

However, this idea teaches people that violence from a boy is romantic. The way Min Ho treats her isn’t romantic. He doesn’t get a pass for treating Kitty horribly just because he is nice to her a couple of times. Because of this, Kitty and Min-ho’s relationship in XO, Kitty season 1 ranks as one of the worst romances.

Luckily, the second season does show the two of them making strides as friends. Min Ho is there to support Kitty every step of the way when it comes to resolving her old family conflicts. He breaks into the school with Kitty and Praveena, offers up his car for Kitty to use to visit family, and is instrumental in getting Kitty’s grandmother and her sister to resolve their conflict. Kitty tries to be a good friend to him and is there to help when she realizes Stella has been blackmailing him.

Even when Min Ho is with someone else, it’s made clear that he and Kitty are still attracted to one another. Whether a romance would work out between them, however, is unclear as of yet. A potential season 3 could see the two come that much closer to romance.

1Trina And Daniel

Kitty’s Setup Created A Happy Marriage For Trina And Daniel

Trina leans in as Daniel puts his arm around her in XO, Kitty. kitty, trina and daniel in xo kitty trina in xo kittyTrina leans in as Daniel puts his arm around her in XO, Kitty. kitty, trina and daniel in xo kitty trina in xo kitty

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While they don’t get a ton of screen time, one of the best romances in XO, Kitty is Trina and Daniel. The two started out in To All The Boy: P.S. I Still Love You, and XO, Kitty shows how they’ve developed as a married couple. The pair have clear communication, actively listening to one another when they talk about sending Kitty to KISS. When Daniel is ready to interrupt Kitty’s presentation, it’s Trina who reminds him to hear Kitty out.

When Daniel is later awoken by Kitty’s call, he wakes up Trina when he thinks something’s wrong, indicating that they rely on each other for support, even if the emergency might be on the other side of the world. Trina also takes him at his word when he changes his mind and tells her she can go back to sleep. Ultimately, they have an extremely happy, healthy relationship. Their relationship is born from a maturity and a level of experience most of the other characters in XO, Kitty do not have yet.

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