Bill Gates, the Microsoft founder, warns of potential global threats like major wars and pandemics. He criticizes the US for its inadequate response to COVID-19 and stresses the need for better preparedness. His upcoming Netflix docuseries with Dr. Anthony Fauci highlights the importance of wealthy nations leading in disease prevention.
Bill Gates
Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has raised concerns about the potential for a major global war and the likelihood of another pandemic in the coming decades. The Microsoft founder shared his views in a conversation with CNBC Make It, highlighting the risks of current global tensions and the need for better pandemic preparedness.
Gates pointed out that “a lot of unrest” in the world today could spark “a major war.” He added, “even if we avoid a big war … then, yes, there will be another pandemic, most likely in the next 25 years.”
Scientists support Gates’ warning, noting that factors such as climate change and population growth are increasing the frequency of pandemics. They agree that the critical issue is whether countries will be better prepared than they were for the COVID-19 outbreak.
Gates criticized the response of the United States and other countries to the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that their actions fell short of expectations. He said, “The country that the world expected to lead and be the model fell short of those expectations.” Despite some progress, Gates believes the global response remains insufficient, with political divisions hindering efforts to prepare for future pandemics.
In his book “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic,” Gates outlines recommendations for improving quarantine policies, disease monitoring, and vaccine development.
The upcoming Netflix documentary series “What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates” will explore pandemic prevention in detail. In an interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States, Gates emphasized the role of wealthy nations in preventing the spread of disease. Fauci expressed concerns about misinformation but remains hopeful that public trust in science will eventually be restored.