In a recent ITV interview, the Ginger Prince claims that his determination to fight tabloids destroyed his relationship with the royal family.

Harry claims that his constant trashing of his family in every media outlet has resulted in a torrent of abuse from the press. He is baffled as to why his family isn’t joining his crusade against the press.

Harry was awarded a whopping 140,000,600 in damages, but this is not a net loss, as he spent millions on legal fees. The judge only found evidence for less than half of the 33 articles he claimed were the result of foam hacking. Harry takes absolutely zero responsibility for his actions and believes that the press and tabloids might have something to do with their strained relationship.

The real tragedy in all this is that Harry has lost sight of who he really is. He is so wrapped up in his victim narrative that he can’t see how his actions are affecting those around him. He has burned bridges with his family and alienated a good chunk of the British public.

Harry was once the fun Prince, dressed up as a Nazi for a laugh, but now he’s like a caricature of himself constantly rehashing the same tired grievance and expecting different results. As Einstein said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

In conclusion, the Ginger Prince’s determination to fight tabloids has destroyed his relationship with the royal family and has led to a loss of sight of his identity and place in the world.