Alan Ritchson, famously known for his role as Jack Reacher from the show Reacher, has shared a glimpse of his training routine for season three. Season 3 is set to be extraordinary not just because of the storyline but also because of who Ritchson will be up against. Ritchson will also be seen battling with the world’s tallest bodybuilder, Olivier Richters. To prepare and gain 30 pounds for the show, Ritchson recently shared a video of his 30-minute workout plan.
The actor’s Instagram post was reshared by the bodybuilding page Generation Iron. In the post, while disclosing his routine, Ritchson wrote, “Have naked scenes coming up? Here’s a quick pre-work workout pump for you. 30 min or less.” Now let’s delve into his regimen that is being criticized by fitness and bodybuilding fans alike.
Alan Ritchson’s 30-minute split
Ritchson’s workout is designed to be a quick gym session, starting with a cardio warmup followed by five high-rep exercises. The routine includes a 16-minute warmup on the Stair Master, then moves on to low cable flies, shoulder presses, high rows, leg presses, and calf raises. For most exercises, Ritchson performs 4 sets of 25 reps, with the leg press allowing an option of either 300 pounds for 4 sets of 25 reps or 400 pounds for 4 sets of 15 reps.
Throughout the video, the 41-year-old actor explains his approach to the workout. He described how he quickly moves from one exercise to the next, specifically going directly into shoulder presses. “With some Arnold’s mixed in,” referring to incorporating the Arnold Press, a variation of the shoulder press named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. He mentions doing this workout before going to work, indicating a tight schedule.
Ritchson also notes that after working on his shoulders, he continued to work out his arms and then included leg exercises. Despite feeling very tired (“pretty gassed”), he emphasized the importance of not skipping leg workouts. While Ritchson seemed very enthusiastic about his workout, many bodybuilding fans didn’t feel the same way.
Bodybuilding enthusiasts find Ritchson’s routine weird
For a long time, many have criticized Ritchson’s gains, speculating the fact that he is on PEDs. A bodybuilding enthusiast shed light on the same fact, writing, “People really believe he’s natty.” While he was sure that Ritchson’s physique wasn’t all natural, one sarcastically added that the workouts were designed by top Hollywood trainers and included bizarre, secretive exercises. They wrote, “Cause everyone wants to know…… I bet these workouts were given to him by Hollywood super trainers containing super secret exercises and p**s elongating routines!!!”
Another jokingly highlighted that the exercises shown so far seem like they are only warm-up routines and not the actual workout. “Where is the workout? I just saw warm-up so far, lol,” said the user. A fitness fanatic harshly criticizes the workout plan, indicating that it was a “Re**rded workout plan.” Many also had problems with the fact that Ritchson claimed that every workout needs to be done in 4 sets of 25 reps and that it should be completed in 30 minutes. “Why is no one talking about 4 sets of 25 for everything? that’s so weird” and “No way you doing all that in 30 mins.”
Do you think Alan Ritchson’s routine can help you gain muscle and weight, or do you agree with fans who claim it’s just bogus and not effective at all? Let us know in the comments.