Dafne Keen and Hugh Jackman reunite for a heartwarming Deadpool & Wolverine photo as the two Logan actors will be sharing the screen this summer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After a long wait, Wade Wilson’s MCU debut is about to finally happen, as Deadpool & Wolverine will move him over from the old X-Men universe. Ryan Reynolds becoming part of the MCU timeline has opened the door for other Marvel characters from 20th Century Fox’s X-Men franchise to come over, with a series of familiar faces already cropping up in the upcoming movie’s trailers.
Last week, Marvel Studios shocked the world when they revealed in a new Deadpool & Wolverine trailer that Keen’s Laura, a.k.a. X-23, is indeed coming back for the Phase 5 installment. With the secret out of the bag, Hugh Jackman shared a new photo with the two of them to celebrate Keen’s return.
Jackman’s post also includes a shot of the pair working together in Logan when Keen was still a child actor, with her performance of Laura becoming a breakout role for her. X-23’s return comes after months of Keen having denied in interviews that she wasn’t part of Deadpool & Wolverine, making her surprise reveal all the more of an exciting twist.
How Is X-23 Returning In Deadpool & Wolverine?
While time will tell how much X-23 is in Deadpool & Wolverine, it still remains to be seen which version of Laura the latest trailer reveals. There are a number of approaches that the MCU movie could likely take regarding the character, with each of them being equally as possible.
The first option is that the X-23 seen in the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer is a grown-up version of the Laura that audiences saw in 2017’s Logan. The other approach is if this Laura is meant to be a variant that Deadpool & Wolverine will explore at some point in the film. An alternative X-23 could still have a similar history to the variant that was featured in Logan, with some crucial differences. With the multiverse at their disposal, there is also the possibility that Keen is playing more than one Laura as part of the Deadpool & Wolverine cast.
Hopefully, Deadpool & Wolverine will not be the last time that the MCU audience gets to see Keen as X-23. With the X-Men reboot coming up, it wouldn’t be impossible for Keen to play the Earth-616 variant of Laura, allowing her to continue the role further into the MCU. But for now, audiences can catch Keen as Laura starting this week in Deadpool & Wolverine.