American Primeval follows a fugitive on the run named Sara Rowell, with her and her son deciding to cross the frontier in order to find her husband. While traveling through the dangerous Utah Territory, Sara enlists the help of a tracker named Isaac, with her hoping that she can keep the party safe. After the treacherous journey, Sara and her son Devin reach their destination. Despite this, they continue journeying, deciding to travel to California instead of joining Devin’s father.
Sara Going To California Was Set Up By Devin At The Beginning Of American Primeval
He Mentions It In The First Scene
Having Devin mention his desire to go to California foreshadows the cast of American Primeval‘s final decision within the story. Since Devin has wanted to go there since before the story of American Primeval, the decision to switch their destinations makes a lot more sense, helping to make the miniseries’ ending twist work.
Why Sara Takes Devin To California Instead Of Crook Springs At The End Of American Primeval
The Journey Changed Her Mind
Throughout American Primeval, Sara hopes to reach Devin’s father and drop her son off. Her reasoning for this is that she knows she will forever be living life on the lam due to her murdering someone back home. By giving Devin away, it would at least protect him, allowing him to grow up with his father away from the dangers of her and the frontier.