Whoopi Goldberg talks Meghan Markle Deal or No Deal comments

The shocking revelations about Megan Markle’s secret baby have rocked the royal family with yet another scandal, and this one might be their biggest yet. During a recent episode of The View, co-host Whoopi Goldberg made a bombshell claim that has sent shock waves through Buckingham Palace: Megan Markle has a secret baby that Prince Harry knows nothing about. But before we continue.

According to Goldberg, a trusted source within the palace has come forward with this explosive information. “We’ve got word from someone on the inside that Megan has been keeping a huge secret,” Goldberg announced to the studio audience. “She’s been hiding a baby from Prince Harry this whole time. Can you believe it?” The audience gasped in disbelief, and co-host Joy Behar quickly followed up, “Are you serious, Whoopi? This is absolutely scandalous if it’s true.”

Goldberg nodded solemnly, explaining that her source is someone with direct access to the royal family. “Apparently, Megan gave birth to this baby several months ago and has been going to great lengths to conceal the child from Harry and the rest of the world,” Goldberg revealed. “Our source says the baby is being kept hidden away, and only a small circle of Megan’s most trusted confidants know the truth.”

Understandably, this news has left the public reeling. How could The Duchess of Sussex keep such an enormous secret from her own husband, and what will the fallout be once Prince Harry inevitably finds out? Royal experts say the revelations about Megan’s secret baby could irreparably damage the already strained relationship between her and the rest of the royal family.

“This is a betrayal of the highest order,” said royal correspondent Emily Andrews. “Harry is going to be absolutely devastated when he learns the truth. The trust between him and Megan may never be repaired.” Andrews also speculated that the Queen and other senior Royals will be furious that Megan has kept them in the dark about this. “They’re going to feel completely blindsided. Megan has made a mockery of the monarchy with this deception,” she said.

Indeed, sources say the palace is currently in crisis mode, scrambling to do damage control and contain the fallout from Goldberg’s bombshell announcement. “Everyone is in shock. No one saw this coming,” a palace insider told us. “The family is deeply concerned not just about the scandal itself, but the impact it will have on the public’s perception of the Sussexes.”

This is certainly not the first time Megan has found herself at the center of controversy. From the ongoing rift with the royal family to the couple’s decision to step back as senior Royals, The Duchess has weathered her fair share of scandals. But many believe this latest revelation could be the one that finally breaks the camel’s back.

“Megan has pushed the boundaries too far this time,” said royal biographer Penny Junor. “Keeping a secret baby hidden from your own husband is beyond the pale. Harry is going to be utterly devastated and betrayed. I can’t imagine him being able to forgive this.”

Of course, the big question on everyone’s mind is what happens next. Will Megan be forced to finally come clean about the baby, and how will Prince Harry react when he finds out the truth? According to Goldberg’s source, the royal family is already taking steps to address the situation. “They’re determined to get to the bottom of this and find out exactly what’s been going on,” the insider revealed. “There will be a full investigation, and no stone will be left unturned.”

The palace has not yet issued an official statement on the matter, but royal experts believe it’s only a matter of time before they are forced to address the scandalous allegations. “They can’t just sweep this under the rug,” said Andrews. “Sooner or later, Megan and Harry are going to have to answer some very difficult questions.”

In the meantime, the public is eagerly awaiting further developments in this unfolding drama. Social media has been ablaze with reactions and speculation, with many expressing shock and disbelief at Megan’s alleged deception. “I can’t believe she would do this to Harry,” wrote one Twitter user. “He’s been through so much already, and now to find out his own wife has been keeping a baby from him—that’s just heartbreaking.”

Another commented, “If this is true, Megan has officially lost the plot. How could she possibly think she could get away with something like this?”

Of course, it’s important to note that the claims about Megan’s secret baby have not been officially confirmed. Goldberg’s source remains anonymous, and the palace has yet to corroborate the story. Until there is concrete evidence, it’s possible that this is nothing more than a rumor. However, given Megan’s history of courting controversy, many royal watchers are inclined to believe there may be some truth to the allegations.

“Megan has certainly proven herself to be a master of deception in the past,” said Junor. “So I wouldn’t be surprised if there turns out to be more to this story than meets the eye.”

Ultimately, only time will tell what the truth is, but one thing is for certain: the royal family is facing yet another major crisis, and the public is watching with bated breath to see how it all unfolds.