Custom Image of Tomer Capone as Frenchie in The BoysFrenchie has featured heavily in The Boys season 4, and I think I’ve figured out where the show is going with his story. After the confirmation that The Boys season 5 will end the show, the ongoing season has even bigger stakes which has made the action far more compelling. Despite some initial shaky reviews, season 4 has found its form, and it has continued the franchise’s high expectations with some engaging storylines. One of season 4’s most prominent narratives has involved Frenchie facing his past mistakes, and I know exactly what The Boys is doing with his story.

After his lack of screen time in the trailer, Frenchie’s death looked likely in The Boys season 4; however, he has appeared for more than I anticipated, and his story has been great. Tomer Capone has perfectly captured Frenchie’s distress and remorse about the awful things he’s done in the past, and watching him trying to confront his demons has been one of my favorite aspects of season 4. With the character finally facing up to his sins after four seasons, it seems like the show is making a big change to Frenchie that will set up the final installment.

The Boys Season 4 Is Making Frenchie & Kimiko Heroes, Not Antiheroes

Kimiko & Frenchie Are Finally Confronting Their Past Mistakes

Frenchie and Kimiko smiling awkwardly in a locker room in The Boys season 4

Although the audience is clearly supposed to root for The Boys, they are still more antiheroes than heroes. The group frequently kills and kidnaps people for information, and despite most of their targets being morally corrupt, they have also hurt innocent people in their pursuit of justice. This may not compare to the actions of The Boys‘ biggest villains, but it is clear that the entire group has some morally questionable moments, including Kimiko and Frenchie. The duo may be two of the more compassionate members, but they each have an incredibly dark history.

The Boys season 4 is repeating the same Frenchie story as previous installments by once again showcasing one of his darkest moments. Despite his romantic feelings towards Colin, Frenchie was unable to fully develop a relationship with him, having killed his family years ago. When Frenchie finally admitted to his sins, Colin was naturally distraught and almost killed him. In the latest episode, Frenchie decided to turn himself in to the police and confessed to multiple murders which shows he is finally trying to face the terrible things he has done, setting up a more heroic future.

While both Kimiko and Frenchie will likely still hurt people again in the future, I think The Boys is having them face their pasts to make them more sympathetic. They are clearly part of the group for the right reasons, but until they truly address the awful things they’ve done, it will continue to consume them. With Kimiko going to therapy and confronting Tala alongside Frenchie confessing his sins to both Colin and the police, they are heading down a more honest path, and I believe The Boys is trying to make them real heroes.

Previously, they were good characters who did bad things which gave them a more antihero feel, but with both of them having good hearts and dealing with their pasts, they may become more traditional heroes who fight their enemies in more humane ways.

The Boys Season 4 Episodes
Release Date

Episode 1 – Department of Dirty Tricks
13 June 2024

Episode 2 – Life Among the Septics
13 June 2024

Episode 3 – We’ll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here
13 June 2024

Episode 4 – Wisdom of the Ages
20 June 2024

Episode 5 – Beware the Jabberwock, My Son
27 June 2024

Episode 6 – Dirty Business
4 July 2024

Episode 7 – The Insider
11 July 2024

Episode 8 – Assassination Run
18 July 2024

The Boys Season 4’s Frenchie Story Sets Up The Story’s Comic Ending

Frenchie’s Needs To Become A Hero To Set Up The Comic EndingFrenchie in The Boys TV Show and Comic Book Art

With season 4 making Frenchie more heroic, it is setting up the comic ending. Although Prime Video’s The Boys has deviated massively from the comics, it is possible the series still adopts the comic book ending, and season 4 makes this look more likely with Frenchie’s story. Given Butcher has supe powers in The Boys season 4, season 5 could tell the story of Butcher vs The Boys, just like the comics did. An evil Butcher taking on his former allies would be heartbreaking and a plot I’m not quite ready for, but Frenchie’s story suggests we’re heading there.

With The Boys slowly turning Butcher evil, it seems logical to make the other characters more heroic; therefore, Frenchie and Kimiko’s current storylines are fitting.

Episode 5’s sinister ending suggests Butcher is as ruthless as ever and is still willing to go to any length to kill Homelander. His hatred for supes hasn’t slowed down even though he has taken Compound V, and this could put the likes of Starlight and Kimiko in danger. With The Boys slowly turning Butcher evil, it seems logical to make the other characters more heroic; therefore, Frenchie and Kimiko’s current storylines are fitting. Both admit to their mistakes and are trying to make amends, giving them the moral high ground against Butcher.

While it could be nice for the show to go in a different direction from the comics, Butcher’s trajectory suggests he could become an unhinged villain. As a result, The Boys standing up to him as true heroes seems like the next direction for the characters, proving Frenchie and Kimiko’s search for redemption is the perfect setup for the final season.

Frenchie & Kimiko’s Similar Stories Will Bring Them Back Together Eventually

The Duo Will Eventually Make Amends In The Boys

Frenchie and Kimiko in The Boys

Frenchie and Kimiko have had one of the most wholesome friendships in The Boys, and their similar stories will eventually bring them back together. Although their relationship has never gotten romantic, Frenchie and Kimiko clearly love each other and remain one of the best duos on the show, making their drift apart more painful. The more they try to face their demons alone, the more they push the other away which is hard to watch, but I still believe they will end up closer than ever in the show’s final season.There is almost no chance Frenchie’s story finishes with him in jail, and with both characters finally dealing with their past, they seem likely to be stronger as a result. They have often helped each other through tough times, but their trauma is something they have to face on their own. However, after they have overcome it, the duo will likely grow closer once again. With Butcher potentially becoming season 5’s biggest threat, Frenchie and Kimiko seem destined to reignite their friendship and help take down their former ally in The Boys‘ big conclusion.

Kimiko’s origin story in The Boys paints her as a sympathetic character as she was forced to join the Shinning Light Liberation after they killed her parents. However, although she has a traumatic past, season 4 revealed Kimiko forced the same fate onto Tala, who she kidnapped and recruited. Kimiko also forced Tala to fight her and left her face scarred, highlighting the character’s complex past. The show has also already explored some of Frenchie’s biggest regrets, such as being responsible for Mallory’s grandchildren dying.

Despite his romantic feelings towards Colin, Frenchie was unable to fully develop a relationship with him, having killed his family years ago.