Split image of MCU Thor and Frigga's death

A deleted scene from Thor: The Dark World almost altered the trajectory of the MCU series. The Dark World notably features the death of Frigga – Queen of Asgard and Thor and Loki’s mother – in the MCU timeline. After Thor brought Jane to Asgard to protect her from the powers of the Aether inside of her, Frigga defended her against the Dark Elves. However, Frigga died protecting Jane as neither Thor nor Odin could get to them in time. Her death was a pivotal moment for many characters in the franchise, though it could’ve almost gone quite differently.

In a deleted scene from Thor: The Dark World, Frigga still dies at the hand of Kurse, but under different circumstances. Here, Odin arrived in time to help Frigga, but made a questionable decision to take a peaceful approach, laying down his weapon instead of killing Malekith and Kurse, to which the Dark Elves responded by fatally stabbing Frigga regardless. Although this version of Frigga’s death was interesting in its own way, the studio ultimately made the right choice to keep Frigga’s alternate death out of the film for the sake of a future villain.

Thor: The Dark World’s Deleted Version Of Frigga’s Death Would’ve Totally Changed Hela’s Story

Frigga about to be killed by Kurse in Thor The Dark World

Odin’s actions in The Dark World deleted scene would’ve made Hela’s MCU introduction far more complicated. The deleted scene showed Odin wanting to take a peaceful approach with the Dark Elves to separate himself from his warlike father, which would’ve clashed with Hela’s introduction in Thor: Ragnarok. Odin and his first-born child had a complicated, tumultuous relationship, as Odin mainly used Hela as a weapon of war. The two clashed because Odin realized that peace was a better option for Asgard going forward, while Hela was still set on pursuing violent conquests.

In Hela’s eyes, Odin was no better than her despite his change of heart, as his bloody takeover of the Nine Realms was recorded in history. Having the moment in The Dark World where Odin chooses peace over the safety of his wife made it seem like he’d become adverse to violence to the point of it being its own problem, rather than his approach being a reflection of his growth. This would’ve changed the way that Hela’s story was told in Ragnarok, as Odin’s genuine and clear growth is why their clash in views lived on.

Thor’s Deleted Scene Would’ve Made Thor: Ragnarok Trickier To Tell

Hela (Cate Blanchett) faces Thor and Loki in Norway in Thor Ragnarok

The Dark World deleted scene would’ve implied that Odin was partially at fault for Frigga’s fate due to his poor decision. Such guilt would’ve had to impact the rest of the Thor franchise, and it would’ve altered Thor and Loki’s relationship with their father subsequently. Not only would Hela’s story change with the Odin decision, but it would’ve also made Ragnarok harder to tell by making its moral underpinings a little less clear.

Frigga’s alternate death scene would’ve added some interesting perspectives, but it was ultimately rightfully deleted from The Dark World. Having neither Thor or Odin arrive in time to save her simplified the consequences going forward, especially with Hela’s introduction imminent in Ragnarok. Hela’s clash with her father was based on their violent history, so showing Odin’s desire for peace as flawed would’ve complicated matters considerably. The decision was ultimately what was best for the Thor franchise, as avoiding using this iteration of the Thor: The Dark World scene helped make Hela effective as a villain.