Chandler Riggs, who portrayed Carl Grimes in AMC’s The Walking Dead TV series, has shared that he would like to see The Walking Dead incorporated into Dead by Daylight. The reveal comes following a Cameo request to the actor from a proponent of adding Rick Grimes to Dead by Daylight.
Dead by Daylight has gradually built its cast of killers and survivors, turning into a full-fledged crossover of numerous different horror franchises and creations, allowing series like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Nightmare on Elm Street, and even creations by Junji Ito to crash into The Fog. With the game always adding new DLC, many fans have been asking for representation from The Walking Dead, and now Chandler Riggs has spoken up.
On Twitter, a user by the handle RickGrimes4DBD has shared a video message from Chandler Riggs that they arranged for on the Cameo website. In it, Chandler addresses some of the leads of Dead by Daylight, telling them that the community is asking for The Walking Dead protagonist Rick Grimes to join the game, with Carl Grimes being included as a Legendary skin for him. However, Chandler especially delighted fans when he acknowledged that he himself is a fan of Dead by Daylight, having dedicated at least 500 hours to the game.
Dead by Daylight Responds to Walking Dead Actor’s Message
There’s a lot that goes into arranging these crossovers and acquiring the rights to the characters and likenesses involved. However, players have been given some hope, as the official Dead by Daylight Twitter account has responded to the video, expressing thanks to RickGrimes4DBD for making it happen. The message notes that it’s “always nice to make friends outside The Fog” and thanked Chandler directly. As one might expect, though, the account didn’t confirm or deny any plans to bring The Walking Dead characters to Dead by Daylightin the future.
While there have been some highly-reviewed entries like Telltale’s The Walking Dead, several games based on The Walking Deadhave flopped on arrival, leaving fans disappointed. Seeing some of the series’ characters integrated into Dead by Daylight, which remains quite popular,could make a lot of fans happy. While there’s no telling at this time if it happens, RickGrimes4DBD has successfully brought the demand to the attention of Behaviour Interactive. With any luck, fans will get their wish, and maybe fans will get to see Chandler playing as his “dad” himself someday.