The 8 Bravest Characters in The Walking Dead — Ranked!

X Bravest Walking Dead Characters, Ranked

The Walking Dead was so much more than a TV show—it was an event. Viewers from around the world would gather around their TVs to see if their favorite characters would make it another week, or if they would fall to a walker or the other major villain(s) of each season.

Based on a long-running series of comics, The Walking Dead became so popular it spawned video game adaptations and spin-off series, but the tried and true original show was still the favorite. With such a sprawling cast, there are many contenders for the bravest characters in the show.

8Shane Walsh

Before His Betrayal, Shane Was A Loyal Protector Of Lori And Carl

andrea and shane the walking dead Shane with a shotgun walking dead Jon Bernthal The Walking Dead Shane Walsh The Walking Dead Shane as a walker

Rick’s best friend before the apocalypse broke out, Shane started out as the de-facto leader of the survivors, taking on a bodyguard role for Lori and Carl during Rick’s absence, something which did cause a great deal of friction between the two characters after Rick’s return. His character slowly began descending into the role of a villain, which ultimately led to his death and transformation into a walker.

Though he does have moments that may seem less than brave, his fierce protection of Lori and Carl does make up for it, and he ultimately challenges Rick. While this might not have been the best idea, at least it proved that he wasn’t a coward.

7Carol Peletier

Though Lacking Bravery To Start, Hardships Forged Her Character

Carol (Melissa McBride) and Daryl (Norman Reedus) in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon carol the walking dead older carol the walking dead The Walking Dead Carol wielding weapon The Walking Dead Carol fending off walkers

From her earlier scenes in the show, one would not think much of Carol, and might even assume she would be one of the first to die. She lived in fear of her abusive husband, Ed, one of the more detestable characters in the show. However, nobody who wants to survive a zombie breakout can remain meek, and this is a lesson Carol takes to heart, becoming one of the more courageous characters in a surprising but ultimately excellent character arc.

Becoming an adept survivalist and a hardened character, Carol exemplifies absolute fearlessness during the Terminus arc and her insatiable drive for revenge against Alpha. Her heart may have been hardened by the challenges of the apocalypse, but it gave her the bravery she needed to survive everything to come.

6Maggie Rhee

This Farm Girl Grew Throughout The Series

The Waking Dead Maggie with blood on face Alden and Maggie in The Walking Dead Alden and Maggie in The Walking Dead the walking dead negan and maggie The Walking Dead Maggie kneeling behind tree

Season 2 saw the group of survivors finding refuge on a farm in a rather disappointing season, often viewed as the worst among fans. But it wasn’t all bad. Season 2 also introduced one of the best female characters in all of The Walking DeadMaggie Rhee, still known as Maggie Greene back then. The eldest daughter to Hershel and older sister to Beth, Maggie understandably has a lot riding on her shoulders, and eventually, she suffers the loss of both her sister and her father.

Leaving the farm behind is truly what allows Maggie to grow into her own, becoming a more capable and brave woman and an instrumental member of the survivors. Her actions at Hilltop prove she could just be as good a leader, if not even better, than Rick.

5Michonne Grimes

A Fiercely Protective Swordswoman

twd-michonne-finale twd-rick-michonne Michonne in The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Michonne in a forest The Walking Dead Michonne close ups split image

Michonne’s introduction to the show is not easily forgotten, as she appears in Season 2 as a mysterious cloaked figure armed with a samurai sword and guarded by two walkers missing their lower jaws and their arms, which she uses as a way to safely slip by other walkers undetected. This showed that even at the first brief impression, Michonne was impressively smart, resourceful, and brave enough to trust her safety to walkers.

Throughout the show, she proves that she is one of the bravest core characters, wielding a sword to great efficiency to cut down walkers and protect her family and friends. She was originally a hero for Andrea, and grew to be a savior for many more characters throughout the series, including Rick, Carl, and Judith. She has a lot to lose, but Michonne will risk life and limb to make sure she doesn’t lose anything.

4Negan Smith

Even In Defeat, Negan Remains Fearless

Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in The Walking Dead the-walking-dead-negan Cropped The Walking Dead Negan negan the walking dead baseball bat scene

One of the most polarizing villains in the entirety The Walking Dead is Negan, the bat-wielding megalomaniac ruler of the Saviors introduced in Season 6. Negan begins his time on the show by terrorizing the survivors and making a game out of deciding who he should kill. Though a canon event from the comics, fans were still shocked and horrified when, after taking a bat to Abraham’s skull, he placed fan-favorite, Glenn, next on the chopping block in a scene so gruesome and diabolical that it traumatized all who saw it.

He was rather defanged when taken captive and thrown in jail, mellowing out the ruthless ex-villain. Yet, he still stood out as one of the bravest characters in the series, as proven when he risked it all to save Judith. Though Negan’s character shines most as a villain, many feel he needed the redemption arc to humble him for his crimes. He now stars in a spin-off show alongside Maggie, displaying many more acts of courage.

3Abraham Ford

The War Veteran Has Nerves Of Steel

The Walking Dead Abraham with Eugene and Rosita The Walking Dead Abraham after being struck by Lucille The Walking Dead Abraham and Eugene The Walking Dead Abraham close-ups split image

Those who join the army are either brave to begin with, or they learn to be courageous through their years of service. Whether the former or the latter is true for Abraham, one thing is for certain; he is one of the bravest characters in all of The Walking Dead. Even if his exit was premature, and a shock to all who enjoyed watching this hard-as-steel military man, his time on the show showed bravery at every turn.

He had managed to overcome death on multiple occasions but ultimately met his match when the Saviors arrived on the scene. The first of the group’s victims to Negan and Lucille, Abraham never once faltered, even when subjected to a brutal and painful death as his head was bludgeoned by the barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat. Even when looking death in the eye, Abraham’s bravery was unbreakable.

2Daryl Dixon

A Seasoned And Invaluable Member Of The Group

Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon beth-daryl-the-walking-dead-cropped The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Spinoff Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Spinoff AMC

As one would expect of a crossbow-wielding biker, Daryl Dixon is a hardcore and badass survivor, and a beloved character who fans were thrilled to see survive, receiving his very own spin-off show to continue his story in the apocalypse.

In the original show, Daryl proves himself time and time again he is one of the more seasoned and skilled survivors, as he is one of the best fighters they have, has the skills and knowledge to survive in the wilderness, and is one of the bravest survivors in the group. He is one of the first to jump into the fray, rarely afraid of anything. Even if his torture at the hands of the Saviors shook him, Daryl remained one of the boldest survivors out of all of them.

1Rick Grimes

Rises To The Role Of Leader

Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) in season 5 of The Walking Dead Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) in The Walking Dead twd-rick-on-shore-finale the walking dead zombie virus origin

Rick Grimes wasn’t exactly eased into the new and decaying world of a zombie apocalypse, waking up in a hospital bed after the breakout had already spread all across America. Yet through determination, grit, a little help from others, and boundless courage, Rick manages to defy all odds and survive to the end.

A flawed character who was by no means perfect, he still tried his best to be a good leader for his people and a good father to Carl and Judith. Though he vanished from the show after being taken captive by the CRM, Rick still stands out as one of the most courageous characters in The Walking Dead, especially when it comes to protecting the people he cares about. It is clear from his character that he would throw himself in front of a bullet for any one of his friends or family.

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