The Walking Dead premiered in 2010, and since then, several spinoff series have been released, with more planned for the next few years. As the main series is over, the franchise’s future could go one of two ways. Either the current spinoffs with beloved Walking Dead characters — with possibly more coming — build to a crossover event and end the franchise, or the universe goes on beyond them with fresh characters and stories. More than a decade after The Walking Dead was released, I find it hard for the franchise to remain as popular after Rick, Negan, Daryl, and others leave.
Oh boy, here we go again—Meghan Markle and Prince Harry gracing us with their *selfless* presence in Pasadena, California, where they supposedly showed up to help victims…
Meghan Markle and Harry served food at a evacuation center as they interacted with the fire victims. Meghan Markle and Harry wore hats apparently to keep a…
Piers Morgan and Candace Owens Team Up to Roast Meghan Markle’s Cooking Show Piers Morgan has finally unleashed his thoughts on Meghan Markle’s cooking show, and it’s…
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Spark Controversy Amid California Wildfires Once again, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have found themselves at the center of controversy—this time using…
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Latest PR Stunt: A 45-Minute Photo Op in Fire-Ravaged Neighborhoods Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have managed to grab the spotlight once…
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been slammed by Justine Bateman as ‘disaster tourists’ after they appeared volunteering during the LA wildfires.Twitter to blast the couple after they were spotted in…