Bill Gates acknowledged Tesla’s crucial role in advancing electric vehicles.

Elon Musk and Bill Gates Elon Musk and Bill Gates

In a recent interview, billionaire philanthropist and climate advocate Bill Gates commended Tesla’s significant contribution to fighting climate change but expressed a desire for Elon Musk to speak more about the issue.

Speaking with Bloomberg, Gates acknowledged Tesla’s crucial role in advancing electric vehicles, calling it a “super important” contribution to tackling the climate crisis. He even recounted a conversation with Musk during the Breakthrough Prize ceremony in April.

However, Gates also expressed a subtle disappointment with Musk’s recent focus on topics unrelated to climate change. When asked by Bloomberg Senior Executive Editor John Fraher whether he was “disappointed that Elon doesn’t really seem to talk much about climate these days,” Gates responded, “He talks a lot. I hope he’ll talk more about climate. You know, he’s very, very smart. He’s made a contribution within that area that is super important.”

Fraher then asked if there were specific climate-related topics Gates wished Musk would address. “I don’t think he’ll listen to anybody telling him what to talk about,” Gates replied. “He’s unique, and he’ll talk about whatever he feels like.”

Gates and Musk have a long history of public disagreements on various topics. Gates previously questioned Musk’s focus on Mars colonization, stating he would rather invest in life-saving vaccines. Musk, in turn, has criticised Gates’ understanding of artificial intelligence.

Their relationship has also been strained by personal clashes. Gates revealed to journalist Walter Isaacson that Musk was “super mean” to him after learning Gates had shorted Tesla stock, although Gates later apologised. “Once he heard I’d shorted the stock, he was super mean to me, but he’s super mean to so many people, so you can’t take it too personally,” Gates told Isaacson.