Particularly, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon elaborates on walkers first briefly explored in The Walking Dead: World Beyond. In the latter, zombie variants are revealed to originate from France, indicating scientific experimentation, assumedly to study the virus for a cure. Alternatively, the Civic Republic Military (CRM), also predominantly explored in World Beyond, could be potentially chemically engineering the virus into a weapon. Through all the scientific intervention, zombies in The Walking Dead universe possess abilities that enhance them as more powerful threats.

While zombies with a bit of speed aren’t entirely new, the reason for it has changed. In season 1 of The Walking Dead, walkers are faster since they’re more freshly turned. Additionally, the Wildfire virus, which started the zombie outbreak is explained. Most notably, this virus requires the host to die, ceasing all higher thinking and amplifying primal aggression and desire for human flesh. Because of this, their speed makes sense since it’s driven by instinct, abandoning more human qualities like stamina and fatigue.
However, later, due to experimentation explored in World Beyond‘s finale and Daryl Dixon, zombies are quicker for more reason than just recent reanimation. World Beyond‘s French scientists created speedier variants accidentally while trying to manufacture a cure, establishing France as a starting point for a more challenging enemy as survivors no longer have a pace advantage. Audiences also get to see this engineered speed in World Beyond when the recently turned French scientist rushes at a metal door, trying to kill the gunman who shot her. This sets up space for Daryl Dixon‘s cohort variants, seen in episode 3 when a French doctor observes a test subject who hastily dashes forward.

A more terrifying instance occurs in the aptly named final season episode, “Variant.” Here, Aaron, Jerry, Elijah, and Lydia encounter zombies that show signs of intelligence, which can give them an advantage when pursuing humans as prey or when facing off with them. For example, when one tries to take Lydia’s weapon away or senses humans from a distance and diverts from a herd. This increases the new zombies’ threat level as it shows they have a keen sense of self-preservation and can clearly identify how to achieve this goal when it’s challenged, like countering attacks.
3Climbing/Using Items

In the “Variant” episode, a walker climbs a fence to get into the Renaissance fair’s main structure, indicating a high level of dexterity and strategic thinking. Plus, echoing that season 1 episode, a zombie picks up a rock to hit Jerry but is intercepted by Aaron. This type of thinking not only echoes how much of a threat newer zombies are but also how unprepared American survivors are since Aaron originally thinks the zombie that attacks may be a Whisperer. Equating the variant abilities with that of humans emphasizes the power of these new zombies.

In Daryl Dixon, season 1, episode 3, villain Genet’s scientists are shown experimenting and documenting changes that the zombie subject undergoes based on whatever biochemical testing they implement. This zombie is chained at the wrists to the walls, yet is able to break free with minimal effort. Moreover, in the “Variant” episode, when Aaron first strikes the walker, it fights back, indicating a level of strength and self-defense previously unheard of in the franchise. To add to their strength, Daryl Dixon‘s episode 3 reveals their resilience, too, since a new variant, burners, fall from a multi-story building’s windows, smashing to the ground, yet getting up to attack anyway.
1Acidic Blood

A version of The Walking Dead zombies that are even more unapproachable, and therefore potentially harder to defeat, isn’t entirely new. In Fear: The Walking Dead, nuclear walkers roam around, which can lead to radioactive poisoning and harm to humans that come near them. By adding more powers and decreasing walkers’ limitations in The Walking Dead universe, there’s a bigger need for survivors in the spin-offs to be much more creative in how they handle zombie threats. Luckily, Daryl has started trying new tactics to traverse these higher-level zombies in France, like using a burner to clear vines blocking an exit.