Ayesha Curry - Wikipedia

Curry herself responded to the fallout by writing that her confession was made to help women “feel like they’re not alone and not the only one with an insecurity.”

Red Table Talk / Facebook

A comment Ayesha Curry made on Monday’s episode of Red Table Talk has made her the subject of endless memes and tweets — both in criticism and in support.

The fallout from her interview with the women of Red Table Talk came in response to an admission she made of feeling insecure about the disproportionate attention she receives from men against the attention her husband, NBA star Steph Curry, receives from women.

“Something that really bothers me, and honestly has given me a sense of a little bit of an insecurity, is the fact that — yeah, there are all these women, like, throwing themselves [at him], but me, like, the past 10 years, I don’t have any of that,” she said on the Facebook Watch show. “I have zero — this sounds weird — but, like, male attention, and so then I begin to internalize it, and I’m like, ‘Is something wrong with me?'”

Curry, a cookbook author, added that it’s not attention she necessarily wants, “but it’d be nice to know that, like, someone’s looking.”

The reaction on social media to the comment was immediate and ridiculing. People — many of them initially men — expressed that they found it to be absurd.

And, of course, soon the memes followed. So many memes.

@DonnLupepe / Twitter

“Ayesha Curry upset ’cause other men won’t shoot they shot with her, literally half the world know you’re married to one of the GOAT and have kids, you want them to shoot they shot so you can curve them??” one person wrote.

Many thought she was asking too much to be wanting attention from other men when she’s married.

“Don’t want no Ayesha Curry’s around me,” another tweeted. “Tell a girl she beautiful a thousand times her dumb ass still need to hear it from the dope man.”

Others simply trolled her with jokes that have gone viral.

@__Ivoooo / Twitter

@FatherAdz_ / Twitter

On Wednesday, Curry finally addressed the spectacle and defended her comment with an Instagram post. “I am human,” she wrote. “It brings me pure joy to speak my mind, be vulnerable at times and to know myself inside and out.”

She added that it was her “truth” to speak candidly about, and that her choice to be honest was in hopes that it “helps another woman like [her] feel like they’re not alone.”

“Seeing as how it’s mental health awareness month I really want to take the time to encourage everyone to speak their truth regardless of perception, fitting into a mold or offending someone, because it’s YOUR truth,” the 30-year-old mom of three wrote.

She concluded the Instagram post by adding, “As women let’s continue to uplift, empower, and not suppress and compress our feelings and thoughts, as fleeting as some of them may be.”

The conversation online has started to divide and shift.

Some women are coming to Curry’s defense by validating her feelings, and coming out with their own vulnerabilities and insecurities.

“Y’all took a woman’s moment, her honesty her openness her vulnerability and blew it out the water,” said one person in a Facebook post. “What y’all don’t realize is she put a conversation on the table that every woman is thinking about but ashamed to say.”

@poccahntas / Twitter

@Supreme_Riem / Twitter

Many, however, are simply criticizing how the masses on social media handled the situation — and how a soundbite overwrote the entire interview.

“That Red Table Talk with the women of the Curry family was fire as hell, with lots of gems and it’s wack that y’all running with the 5 seconds of Ayesha discussing an insecurity,” one person tweeted.

@EarlBlackman / Twitter

One user, @Nothinbuttreble, attempted to offer a more diplomatic response to the entire debate.

“Conversations about our differences aren’t productive or progressive, ’cause everybody’s so busy trying to be right,” they added.

It’s unclear if @Nothinbuttreble has been on Twitter long enough to know how things degenerate on the platform.