NBA – “Nobody else does it”:
LeBron officially spoke frankly about Anthony Davis

Les superstars NBA des Los Angeles Lakers, Anthony Davis et LeBron James, avec la mine des mauvais jours

Great architect of the authoritarian victory of the Lakers over New Orleans this Thursday, LeBron James was however still able to count on the precious help of Anthony Davis.

Somewhat grumpy, he later spoke about the image of his interior.

At almost 39 years old, nothing better than an expeditious card synonymous with a big victory. Even more so in a high-stakes match like this Thursday.

LeBron James had reason to rejoice after the success obtained against the Pelicans (133-89) and the qualification of the Lakers for the final of the In-Season Tournament.

Just as he could congratulate himself on the good performance achieved by Anthony Davis, always so imperial in defense:

LeBron James sets the record straight about Anthony Davis

If he did not provide the most detailed statistical copy of his season (16 points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 interceptions, 2 blocks), Davis has once again rendered proud services to the Lakers in recent hours.

Particularly defensively, where his XXL slaughter tends to be trivialized by fans and observers. In any case, this is what LeBron deplored alongside him during the post-match press conference:

AD is the pillar of our defense. He is capable of doing everything on the floor. I think in the league, no one else can defend every position. He can make a stop on every possession and has done so for so long. I also find that the league has taken that a little too much for granted. Just look at the race for Defender of the Year and the debates over the best defenders.

His defense goes well beyond blocked shots. He is capable of switching and deterring opposing attacks, defending on stars far from the basket… To summarize, he can disrupt and interrupt anything that comes his way. It is our anchor. We have complete confidence in him when he finds himself in switch situations having to defend on the backs. We know he is capable of winning this type of matchup.

Despite four appearances on All-NBA Defensive Teams, AD has so far never won the Defender of the Year trophy. A heresy according to the King, who campaigns so that the repeated defensive efforts of his big man are finally recognized for their true value. There is no doubt that a great performance in this area from the latter against the Pacers this Saturday would greatly contribute to this.

Often tackled for his statistical irregularity or his offensive production, Anthony Davis deserves more respect as a defender. The Unibrow can obviously count on LeBron James to make it its hobby horse.