Le joueur NBA français des San Antonio Spurs, Victor Wembanyama

The recruitment of Victor Wembanyama brought joy to almost the entire city of San Antonio. On the other hand, there are certain rumors in the NBA about tensions that reign within the Spurs locker room. Especially since Devin Vassell’s recent reaction at a press conference doesn’t seem to help things…

If we had to award the title of the most entertaining team at the start of the season, the Spurs would undoubtedly win the medal hands down. But not always for the right reasons… This franchise, very happy to have obtained the first choice in the 2023 draft, synonymous with the arrival of Victor Wembanyama, has indeed once again become one of the flagship attractions of the NBA.

Obviously, the presence of the Alien has something to do with it. However, all would not be so rosy in San Antonio. Since beyond the so-called problems linked to the reshuffle of the team, the media coverage around the young prodigy would be a disruptive element for the Spurs players. Starting with Devin Vassell, whose behavior at a press conference was dissected by journalist Benjamin Moubèche.

Devin Vassell, annoyed because of Victor Wembanyama?

Knowing how to handle questions from journalists in absolute calm is an exercise that can be difficult to master. Even more so when you are asked several times about another player and not your own team. Devin Vassell’s analysis could therefore be distorted by these elements because after all, the rumors of poor cohesion between Victor Wembanyama and his teammates have not been confirmed. Some Internet users seem more compassionate in any case.

Les rumeurs continuent de circuler au sujet du cas Victor Wembanyama aux Spurs. Devin Vassell a donc dû en faire les frais lors d’une conférence de presse, certains le soupçonnant d’en avoir marre d’être sans cesse questionné sur le Français. De quoi donner matière à débattre aux journalistes, même si tout n’est que bruits de couloir pour le moment.

Rumors continue to circulate about the Victor Wembanyama case at Spurs. Devin Vassell therefore had to pay the price during a press conference, with some suspecting him of being fed up with being constantly questioned about the Frenchman. Enough to give journalists something to debate, even if everything is just rumors at the moment.