NBA – After defeating him, Jason Kidd admitted about LeBron:
“Even though he’s old, I’m jealous…
Watch this video and you’ll see how terrible he is!

La superstar NBA des Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron James (gauche) et l'entraineur des Dallas Mavericks, Jason Kidd (droite)

Although he must have felt a few cold sweats at the end of the match, Jason Kidd still won against the Lakers this Wednesday.

This, despite the efforts of LeBron James, which the Mavericks coach commented on sincerely afterwards.

The hold-up was very close. After being up to 20 points behind at the end of the 3rd quarter, the Lakers almost won against the Mavericks.

They indeed managed to make a huge comeback in the last 12 minutes and even temporarily took the lead.

A comeback mainly initiated by LeBron James, author of a big game with 26 points, 9 rebounds and 7 assists:

Jason Kidd Honest About LeBron James’ Longevity

Certainly grandiose in the 4th quarter against the Mavs, LeBron was not, however, completely flawless.

He was in fact guilty of a costly money-time decision, which largely deprived his team of victory.

This did not prevent Jason Kidd from praising his prowess after the meeting, which led him to question the King’s true age:

Jason Kidd on producing LeBron James at 38: “I’m jealous. Of course I’m jealous, he looks like he’s 25!”

A compliment which clearly illustrates the good relationship that the two men have had for many years, they who notably won the title together in 2020, with the Lakers. This, before LBJ publicly mourned Kidd’s departure a year later:

Just like all observers, Jason Kidd finds it hard to believe that LeBron James will soon celebrate his 39th birthday when he sees him playing on the NBA floor.

His Mavericks almost paid the price for his incredible longevity.