The Los Angeles Lakers signed 27-year-old Christian Wood with a two-year, $5.7 million minimum salary contract. This move is generally regarded as a very good move. After all, considering Wood’s age and average game average in recent seasons, With scores of more than 16 points, it is indeed difficult to imagine that he will be reduced to the basic salary. This result has a lot to do with Wood’s attitude on and even off the court. However, after joining the Lakers, he currently has no attitude. It’s too big of a problem. It’s obvious that LeBron James has successfully conquered another problematic kid from the past.

There is absolutely no problem with Wood’s offensive ability. Last season, he made 37% of his three-pointers. He is good at matching pick-and-rolls with defenders. His overall skills on the offensive end are indeed somewhat similar to Lakers star Anthony Davis, but relatively speaking , after coming to the Lakers, whether his efficiency in reducing offensive ball rights can be maintained, or whether he will be able to replicate the atmosphere drama he performed with his previous two clubs (Houston Rockets, Dallas Mavericks) due to the space for him to play, these are all questions The reason why he only got a basic salary in the end.

In the past, Wood has publicly complained about playing time issues many times and became a major reason for the breakup of the atmosphere in the lounge. Therefore, many teams regard this player as a minefield. Even though his skills are still young and he is in line with modern trends, there is no ball. The team is willing to offer him a contract above the basic salary. From this point of view, Wood should also realize that his various bad records in the past have put his NBA career in a precarious stage.

Attitude issues coupled with defensive flaws have caused Wood to be ignored. His biggest problem is his defensive attitude and concept. This is the most criticized part of Wood’s career so far. He is willing to jump out and score, but he has excellent physical conditions on the defensive end. His enthusiasm is not as good as expected, but to enter the Purple and Gold Army, Wood needs to start with defense first. If the Lakers can solve one of his shortcomings, not all of them, just one of them, this will be a very successful signing. , and even became a surprise player for the Lakers in the championship.