Dana Sue has a mysterious past, like many of the other characters. She is separated from her husband, Ronnie, with whom she has a daughter named Annie. Two exciting things happen for Dana Sue at the end of the first season: she meets a hunky farmer named Jeremy, and Ronnie drops in to pay a visit… or more. Who will Dana Sue end up with when the show returns?
Ronnie: Annie’s Dad

Ronnie isn’t present for most of the first season. The most obvious thing working in his favor when he returns is his relationship with his daughter, Annie. Annie mentions her dad several times in earlier episodes, and it is clear that she wants him in her life, despite what her mother may think. Annie would definitely push for her mother to reunite with Ronnie.
Jeremy: Hunky Farmer

Ronnie: Handsome And Mysterious

Jeremy isn’t the only one with some devastating good looks. Obviously, looks aren’t everything, but Ronnie is a handsome guy. After many episodes of wondering who he is and what he looks like, fans are not disappointed with the reveal. Dana Sue might even be falling for him again after all that time apart.
Jeremy: Love At First Sight

Before she has to deal with seeing Ronnie again, Dana Sue is busy picking out some new berries and fresh tomatoes. Before she meets Jeremy, she thinks she will be talking to a little old man of a farmer. Boy, is she wrong. When Dana Sue locks eyes with Jeremy, it is absolutely magic. He is clearly the man of her dreams, and she is the woman of his.
Ronnie: Fits Right In

Familiarity is exactly what she gets if she goes with Ronnie. Upon his journey back to Annie and Dana Sue, Ronnie fits right in with the family. He would give Dana Sue what she has been missing ever since the two parted ways.
Jeremy: Windswept Adventures

As much as Dana Sue might appreciate familiarity, she also loves adventure. As it turns out, she once restored the same type of convertible that Jeremy currently owns. He flirtatiously offers to take her out for a spin, and Dana Sue turns it into a memorable Grace Kelly moment with her scarf and sunglasses. Maybe if she had this much fun more often, Dana Sue wouldn’t be so uptight.
Ronnie: Wounds To Heal

Jeremy: A Place Of Rest

Dana Sue is a complex woman, but everyone knows that she can cook. She is passionate about serving up a five-star meal with Southern hospitality. Her health takes a turn for the worst when the chef is overworked and worn out. She looks healthier than she has ever been when she is flirting with Jeremy and examining all his produce. He could become a place of rest and happiness for Dana Sue.
Ronnie: Promises

Ronnie has a lot of love for Annie and Dana Sue. The fact that he is offering to move in with them says a lot. The dad is technically still married to Dana Sue, and he makes it obvious that he is not ready to throw in the towel when it comes to his marriage.
If Ronnie can really promise to be there for Dana Sue, she might want to consider it. Hopefully, more of these details will be worked out in the second season.
Jeremy: Shared Interests

Viewers don’t know all the details and mishaps with Ronnie, but maybe he and Dana Sue don’t have enough in common. She certainly doesn’t have that problem with Jeremy. They have the same taste in cars, they drool over fruits and vegetables (and each other), and they are their most carefree, joyful selves around each other. Their shared interests could go a long way in a meaningful relationship.