In Meghan Markle news, the Duchess of Sussex has some big plans for her husband, Prince Harry, this summer it seems.

The Duke of Sussex is reportedly being urged by his wife to “take a break” amid the ongoing rift between himself and the royal family…

Prince Harry in a suit

Meghan Markle news

According to a source in Heat magazine, Meghan is keen for Harry to “take a break” this summer.

The source claims that while Meghan is “proud” of how Harry is handling the stress of multiple court cases – as well as the cancer battles Kate and the King are undergoing – she can see he is beginning to “unravel”.

They also claim that Harry is “clinging on” to the hope of a familial reconciliation – something Meghan isn’t expecting.

It’s also “painful” for Harry at the moment as he isn’t getting any “proper updates” on Kate or the King’s health.

Now, Meghan is reportedly putting a plan in place for the sake of her husband.

Meghan Markle looking slightly concerned

Meghan is worried about her husband

Meghan and Harry latest news

The source then continued, saying: “It’s hard for her to see him climbing the walls the way he’s been doing, and she wants them to take a break from all the toxicity.”

“In her view, it would be a terrible idea to take another trip to the UK right now. He needs a summer of healing and non-confrontation,” the source then alleged.

The source then went on to say that being estranged from the royals is “painful” and a “nightmare” for the Duke at the moment.

Now, Meghan has reportedly decided it’s time for the pair to disappear temporarily.

“She wants Harry to have a total media detox for at least a month, meaning no surfing the net, no social media, and no news. She also thinks a trip somewhere totally off-grid would be great. At the very least, she wants him to lay low at home with her and the kids. There’s no reason he can’t take some time out for a health break,” they then added.

Meghan Markle looking down, wearing sunglasses
Meghan Markle wants husband Prince Harry to take a month’s media detox, apparently

Meghan thinks UK return is ‘terrible idea’

The source went on to allege that Meghan believes cutting off the rest of the family “could be best” for now at least.

They then went on to say that Meghan isn’t suggesting that Harry step back “forever”. However, in her view, this is a “crisis” that requires some “big effort” to get her husband’s head “right”.

The source then added that Harry takes things very personally. Meghan just wants him to stop caring about what people think of him.