Prince Harry has been officially removed from the Royal line of succession, a decision that could alter the course of the British Monarchy.

The Assembly of England’s Noble Elite gathered 24 Dukes at Buckingham Palace on a July morning in 2024, a rare occurrence in British history.

The decision was a result of years of mounting frustration and perceived betrayals, with the Dukes of Sussex representing the highest echelons of British nobility. The Dukes’ consensus indicated that Harry’s continued presence in the line of succession could undermine the monarchy’s stability and public perception.

The Dukes of Nottingham, Cornwall, and Gloucester played pivotal roles in the discussions, with the Duke of Norick presided over the proceedings. The Dukes were unyielding in their stance, emphasizing the need to preserve the sanctity and continuity of the monarchy.

The decision is expected to deepen the rift between Harry and the rest of the royal family, as Sussex is already living a life apart from the royal fold.