The actor had decided to not play Wolverine after 2017’s Logan, but chanhed his mind later.

When Hugh Jackman hung up his claws as Wolverine in the wake of 2017’s Logan, fans were sure that they would never see Jackman essay the role again, given the toll the character had taken on his body. However, as soon as it was announced that Hugh Jackman would be essaying the role of Wolverine in Deadpool 3, that too in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans could not contain their excitement for the only MCU release of 2024.

A shot of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine from Deadpool & Wolverine trailer | Marvel Entertainment

However, in an interview with Rotten Tomatoes, Hugh Jackman revealed what actually caused him to return as Wolverine, and it was not the success and the expanse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While Jackman definitely meant that he would want to leave the character behind, even before 2017’s Logan came out, the actor was convinced that his character needed to share the screen with Deadpool.

Deadpool was the reason Hugh Jackman returned as Wolverine

Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool | Fox Studios

Deadpool did a lot of things for the superhero genre. Chief among them was proving that an R-rated superhero film can actually make a profit and but a blockbuster at the box office. However, Hugh Jackman was also keenly aware of how the characters of Deadpool and Wolverine were intertwined and how it would be important for Wolverine to be a part of Deadpool’s story. Speaking with Rotten Tomatoes (via, he said:

…in the back of my head, ever since I saw Deadpool 1, I was like ‘Those two characters together…’ I knew it: I knew the fans wanted it. Ever since I put on the claws fans have talked about these two, so that had always been there, but I just knew.

The actor, despite knowing the toll the role took on him, was keen on seeing Wolverine and Deadpool share the screen together in earnest. While no one is pointing toward their brief stint together in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Deadpool, and Wolverine have definitely gotten the actors and the creators behind the scenes very excited about what the character can cook up together.

Deadpool & Wolverine might just reveal who is Hugh Jackman’s successor

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine | 20th Century Fox

While Hugh Jackman will return to play Wolverine in Deadpool 3, the actor might not be up for the role for future installments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Given the amount of damage the role has done to Hugh Jackmanm’s body, the actor might not be keen on reprising the role in quick succession. It is definitely possible that he will return for Secret Wars, but it might not be an MCU regular going forward.

Deadpool & Wolverine could give us the actor/actress who would carry the role of Wolverine into to franchise as a regular, either as a variant of Logan or as a successor to the character in the form of Laura Kinney (Dafne Keen’s character in Wolverine). Either way, there is a very distinct possibility that Hugh Jackman may finally retire from the role for good in the coming future, while another actor, with his blessings, would continue to be a part of the main cast of the MCU.

Deadpool & Wolverine is set to be released on July 26, 2024.