While the idea came a little late to Robert Downey Jr., it made ‘The Avengers’ even more memorable in the end.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr

Benedict Cumberbatch will be seen playing Vincent in a new psychological thriller, Eric, coming soon to Netflix. The miniseries will follow puppeteer Vincent as he tries to locate his missing son with the help of his puppet as he tries to navigate through other downs in his life. Needless to say, the storyline sounds interesting enough to build an audience.

Benedict Cumberbatch in a still for his new series Eric

Recently, Benedict Cumberbatch hopped onto a podcast to talk more about Eric but just like all the other Marvel actors, he couldn’t escape his fate of answering a few questions about the superhero world. While talking about how Marvel Studios constantly tries to make their projects better, Benedict Cumberbatch praised Robert Downey Jr. for coming up with the idea to include an iconic scene in The Avengers (2012).

Benedict Cumberbatch Applauds Robert Downey Jr.

the six avengers sit around a table in silence eating shawarma in The Avengers

During his appearance on an upcoming episode of The Playlist’s Bingeworthy TV podcast, Benedict Cumberbatch couldn’t help himself from praising the Marvel Studios for trying to make their films better and better right until the very end. In other words, Cumberbatch believes that the studios do not give up their quest of having a perfect project up till the last possible second.

He then talked about how Robert Downey Jr. suggested a hilarious scene in The Avengers which was shot later and included in the final cut of the film – the iconic shawarma scene.

After winning the Battle of New York, an exhausted Tony Stark in his beat-up Iron Man suit advises the rest of the Avengers to take a day off and then expresses his desire to try shawarma at a joint that’s “about two blocks” from their destination. He didn’t know what a shawarma was but he sure as hell was going to find out.

Later, in one of the most iconic post-credit scenes ever, the Avengers are seen seated around a table as they try out a popular street food item from the Middle East. What makes the scene absolutely hilarious is that four out of the six superheroes are all suited up in their costumes and are eating in absolute silence.

Praising Downey for adding the scene to the film, Cumberbatch stated, I take my hat off to anybody who’s using the resources to try and make something better and just improve and improve and improve right up to the end. I mean, the most famous stories after the premiere, I think of the first ‘Avengers,’ Downey Jr. suggested the Shawarma scene and then it was put in for the final cut that then got distributed. I mean, that’s fun to think you can still do that.

That really was the golden age of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, wasn’t it? We sure are hoping to get more such fun and raw scenes going forward!

The Scene was Shot After the Movie’s Premiere

The six main avengers in A still from The Avengers

Two days after the premiere of The Avengers, the cast reunited to film the post-credit scene, as per Entertainment Weekly. After the scene was filmed, EW joined the cast and crew for an exclusive roundtable interview and witnessed some hilarious banter between the actors.

Downey, Chris Hemsworth, and even Jeremy Renner were making fun of Chris Evans’ for having to wear a prosthetic in the scene to hide his beard. Mark Ruffalo, on the other hand, was having the time of his life playing with toys scattered on the table. Joss Whedon was also there who couldn’t comprehend how the guys were acting as a reporter was sitting right there with him.

He then sarcastically told Downey, “Thank you for having every reporter ask me what we were shooting.” Undeterred by Whedon, the actor replied, “You’re welcome.” Talking about the post-credit scene, Whedon told EW, We actually went through it as you guys left. It’s awesome. We found three bits, beginning, middle, and end, and the end one was just supreme… They. Are. Tired. And then at the last second, he [Hemsworth’s Thor] is just like [CHOMP].

Hemsworth added, I thought I might be sick, by the way. I ate one [pita] each take, you know! And by the end, I was like, Whooooaaa.

Anyone who has had pita bread before knows that while it is absolutely delicious, eating too many of them won’t make you feel good at all. Coming back to the post-credit scene, it looks like Downey’s suggestion not only made a great scene but also resulted in an entertaining story for the cast to think back on.